RAPAPORT... EGL USA authenticated one of the largest pearls ever to be discovered and documented. The brain-shaped specimen — a giant non-nacreous natural blister pearl — weighs an incredible five pounds (2.267 kilos) and measures some six inches in length. It was found in the waters off the Philippines in the giant clam, Tridacna Gigas.
A team of EGL USA expert gemologists, led by Nicholas Del Re, analyzed the pearl (pictured) using a combination of advanced technologies: Digital radiography, close magnification, and data provided by a handheld x-ray fluorescence (XRF) unit.
"This is a once-in-a-lifetime look at one of nature's most unique treasures," said Mitch Jakubovic, director of EGL USA. "A pearl this size is not only the largest ever seen at EGL USA, it is among the largest ever seen anywhere. We were pleased to be able to provide the expertise and experience necessary to assess such a rare and valuable specimen."
David Bidwell, senior appraiser of EGL USA's appraisal affiliate, Universal Gemological Services (UGS) provided additional confidential counsel to the pearl's owner, Hadjzad Biteng. "This is clearly one of the most valuable pearls of its kind in the world today," said Bidwell. "Mr. Biteng is currently considering many exciting opportunities regarding its future. To coin a famous phrase, one could say that the pearl world is his oyster."
My goodness... that's definitely a record. It kinda looks like a brain... maybe even a lumped up chewed gum. lol :)
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